Welcome to your Provider space! In this academy, you will learn how the Provider area works to provide the best possible service to your customers. We often hear issues or misunderstandings about features in the Provider area from our Providers. Please take a moment to explore and understand the Provider area, which is your store's executive office. We recommend you open your Provider area and explore it simultaneously while reading this section.
Dashboard: When you click on “Provider Area,” the first thing you see is your dashboard, where we keep all information about your store, products, orders, and more. On the left, you can see all the important sections, and on the main page, you can see your total earnings, analytics, and orders. It is important to follow your order's statuses and keep them updated. Also, you can see the “Quick Actions” area to help you quickly add new products or respond to your customers.
My Products: When you open your products page, you can see all the products in your store and see what is missing or what you can add more details. Once you click on the calendar icon for each product, you can see the dates that your product has been booked and all past orders of that specific product. You can click on the pencil item to see product details or make changes.
Orders: You can see all your previous order requests when you click on the orders. It is important to follow your rentals’ status and update them regularly. If you have an order request, please accept or reject it within 24h. After you accept the order and the booking period is closed, don't forget to change the status to completed. Try to minimize the number of products under the “rejected or canceled” status and maximize the number under the “accepted and completed” status.
Chat: It is important to check your messages regularly. Customers usually contact you via Babonbo chat. It is important to answer their questions quickly for you and your customer to minimize misunderstandings. We often see a delay in responding to a message means the customer will move on to another Provider. Please download Babonbo mobile app to respond to chat quickly.
Notifications: One main section you should regularly check is your notifications. You'll receive a notification about your order status, chat messages, and reviews. Please download the Babonbo mobile app and allow notifications to minimize order losses.
Reviews: In this section, you can see all your rentals and leave a review for your customers. Once you review your customer, we will send an email notification to your customer and remind them to review you as well. Reviews are critical for you to increase store visibility, earn customers’ trust, and receive more orders in the future.
Settings: By clicking on the settings, you can see and edit your store, delivery, availability, and checkout information.
Profile: Your profile is the number one area that your customer sees about you. While writing the “About Your Store” section, clearly introduce yourself, your store, and your story. Remember that our customers are families with little children, so keep that in mind while introducing yourself. It might be relatable to mention your family travel experience or children if you want. Also, don't forget to add your phone number. Once you approve the customer's order request, they can see your phone number, which is important to stay in touch.
Delivery & Pickup: First, add your store address to be visible to customers searching for a destination close to you.  Also, add delivery addresses where you can deliver and pick up your gear. Customers won’t see it until you accept their order. It is important to add as many possible delivery location options, and it will increase your chance of getting booked. You can find more detailed information on delivery & pickup in the upcoming modules.
Schedules: Add your available times for delivery and pickup, and try to maximize your available hours. Add your available times and regularly update to prevent rejections that negatively affect your store visibility and revenue.
Payout: It is important to carefully add your payout information to receive payment once your booking is completed. Please carefully add your name, the same as your bank account, to prevent any possible conflict.
Earnings: In this section, you can see your overall and order-based revenue.
Contact Support: You can use the pink chat bubble in the site to ask your questions to us, or you can just send an email to info@babonbo.com. Our team will get back to you as soon as we can.