Accidents are rare, but they happen. Please get in touch with the provider immediately in case of significant damage or loss.
The best way to do this is by sending them a message through the Babonbo website or app, just in case our Customer Support team needs to refer to it later. If you can provide photos, that’s great, too.
Being upfront about damage or loss gives your Provider as much time as possible to fix it before their next rental booking.
About the reimbursement process
1. Your Provider may request reimbursement
If your Provider believes you’re responsible for damage, missing items, or unexpected cleaning costs, they may send you a reimbursement request through our support team. You’ll have 24 hours to respond.
If you pay the full amount, the request will be closed.
If you pay a partial amount, decline the request, or ignore the request, we may escalate the matter as a next step.
2. Babonbo may ask you to pay
You’ll be given the opportunity to voluntarily submit a timely payment or an appeal. If you don’t submit a timely payment or appeal, or your appeal is unsuccessful, your payment method will be charged. You’ll never be charged without advance notice or a chance to appeal before and after you’ve been charged. You’ll have 30 days to appeal after you’ve been charged.
Dealing with damage is never fun, but this process is designed to be as fair as possible. For more info, review our Terms of Service.